One of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments, dental veneers offer impactful benefits that can transform the appearance of a person's smile. Dental veneers are tooth-shaped wafers (usually made of porcelain or composite resin). They are applied to the front, visible surfaces of the teeth to give a smile a whole new look.
They can cover up minor imperfections such as slightly chipped teeth, unusually shaped or sized teeth, stubborn discoloration, and gaps between teeth. Veneers can also completely transform a smile's appearance by altering the length of the teeth, correcting the appearance of a gummy smile, improving the smile's balance and symmetry, or giving crooked teeth the appearance of a naturally straight smile.
Despite their many advantages, dental veneers are a purely cosmetic treatment and cannot treat or improve oral health issues. As a result, having healthy teeth and gums is a prerequisite for being a good candidate for dental veneers. This means that having any stage of periodontal disease could prevent you from getting dental veneers.
Periodontal disease (also called gum disease) is an oral bacterial infection that begins in the pockets between the gum tissues and the teeth. Left unaddressed, periodontal disease eventually advances into the surrounding structures that support the teeth such as the periodontal ligaments and jawbone.
Periodontal disease has four stages, typically recognized as gingivitis (the earliest stage) and periodontitis (early, moderate, and advanced). Gingivitis can be treated and completely reversed, whereas periodontitis is not typically considered to be curable. However, periodontitis can be managed with proper care and ongoing treatment.
The symptoms of periodontal disease vary greatly, depending on the stage of the disease. In its earliest forms, it can be asymptomatic and only detectable during a professional gum examination.
Symptoms of periodontal disease include:
Symptoms of periodontal disease become increasingly extensive, severe, and painful as the infection advances.
Healthy teeth and gums are vital to successful treatment with dental veneers.
Periodontal disease can impact tooth stability, tooth health, and the gum tissues leading to recession, decay, and tooth loss — all of which can have a detrimental impact on dental veneers. Additionally, periodontal disease is caused by the presence of harmful bacteria, and having a prosthetic, like dental veneers, on the teeth can lead to further complications or the worsening of infection.
Dental veneers also require the removal of a small layer of protective tooth enamel from the surfaces of the teeth for successful, natural-looking placement. With the presence of periodontal disease, this can put the teeth at an increased risk of complications from decay.
The answer to whether or not a patient with periodontal disease is a good candidate for dental veneers is not straightforward. Whether or not you are a candidate for dental veneers depends on your overall health, our dentist's personalized recommendations for your treatment, and how severe or advanced your case of periodontal disease is.
Patients with gingivitis will have mild inflammation, but won't yet have suffered any permanent damage to their gums, teeth, or surrounding supportive structures. After treatment for gingivitis has been administered and signs of infection have been resolved, patients with a history of gingivitis can be considered for treatment with dental veneers. Candidacy will depend on the patient's risk of developing future cases of gingivitis or worsening periodontitis.
Patients with more advanced infections that are being responsibly controlled and managed might qualify for dental veneers, as long as the teeth are stable and they do not have an active, worsening infection.
Patients with advanced, active periodontitis are likely not candidates for dental veneers. These patients might have extensive damage, impacting the stability and health of the teeth and gums. As a result, they will need to focus on addressing periodontal disease and restoring the stability and health of their oral anatomy before considering treatment with dental veneers.
The treatment for periodontal disease largely depends on how advanced a patient's case is. Treatments include both surgical and non-surgical interventions designed to address infection while restoring the teeth, gums, and supporting oral anatomy.
At Barbara Preussner Aesthetic & Family Dentistry, we specialize in dental veneers and periodontal disease treatment. If you are interested in improving the look of your smile but are worried that you might not be a good candidate due to oral health concerns, we encourage you to contact our office to request a consultation.
Our dentist can examine your teeth and gums and talk with you about your options for treatment. We will walk you through a personalized treatment plan designed to help you achieve your smile aesthetic and health goals. We can provide you with care designed to address gingivitis and periodontal disease in addition to restoring your damaged tissues. Please contact our dental office in Holliston to request an appointment today.